Russian scientists present ancient puppy found in permafrost: [comments of the scientist with the North Eastern Federal University Sergei Fyodorov, professor of evolutionary genetics Love Dalén]
Litvinova Daria , Литвинова Дария, Кутуков Роман, Kutukov Roman

Russian scientists present ancient puppy found in permafrost: [comments of the scientist with the North Eastern Federal University Sergei Fyodorov, professor of evolutionary genetics Love Dalén]



Assosiated Press News : [новостной сайт]

О находке древнего щенка в вечной мерзлоте Якутии с комментариями ученого из Северо-Восточного федерального университета Сергея Федорова, профессора эволюционной генетики Лав Дален

Litvinova, Daria .
Russian scientists present ancient puppy found in permafrost : [comments of the scientist with the North Eastern Federal University Sergei Fyodorov, professor of evolutionary genetics Love Dalén] / Daria Litvinova, Roman Kutukov ; photo Sergei Fyodorov // Assosiated Press News : [новостной сайт]. - 2019. - 3 December. URL: [16+]. -

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